06 July 2016

Wang Chung

Wang Chung are an English new wave musical group formed in 1980. Their biggest U.S. hits were between 1983 and 1987: "Dance Hall Days" (1984), "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" (1986) and "Let's Go!" (1987).

Jeremy Ryder, known professionally as "Jack Hues" (vocalist/guitarist) and Nick Feldman (bassist) were the core of Wang Chung. Along with other musicians, they started as The Intellektuals.
That band lasted less than a year, and next was a new lineup called 57 Men. This incarnation lasted for a about a year and a half and after a few more musician changes they reformed as Huang Chung.

I could not find an origin story for that name change. I found no Chinese connections, but it means "yellow bell" in Chinese (黃鐘, pinyin: huáng zhōng). More on point, it is the first note in the Chinese classical music scale.

When they signed with Geffen Records, it was suggested that they change the spelling to a more phonetic Wang Chung to make it easier for English-speakers. Apparently, they were being called "Hung Chung."

At the moment of this posting, the www.wangchung.com website is down and out.

Wang Chung - Wikipedia


  1. their manager called said "i got you booked at a couple places what do you call your selves" the guitarist caught off guard stood there guitar on his shoulder phone in the other hand drew his pick hand up then down across the strings and heard WANG CHUNG, "wang chung" he said. true story


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